Selection of Feed Pumps For Filter Press
A feed pump is a type of pump that controls the speed at which a fluid, such as fuel, moves. The low-pressure feed pump ensures a continuous supply of filtered fuel to the injection pump. The fuel pump is activated only when the engine is running. The most common feed pumps are centrifugal, screw, core, diaphragm, plunger, etc. Normally, most of the pumps used in industry are centrifugal pumps, which include ordinary pumps, stainless steel pumps, slurry pumps, slurry pumps, corrosion-resistant plastic pumps, etc. What is a filter feed pump? A typical filter and separation device used in mining, sludge, food processing, and other industries is the sludge press. Since the beginning of the 18th century, it has been widely used in the chemical industry, pharmacy, metallurgy, dyeing, food, brewing, ceramics, and other industries. These feed pumps are high-pressure pumps and are basically of two types: Volumetric feed pumps Centrifugal feed pumps A booster feed pump must normally be used wit...