Ceramic Slurry Pump For Slip And Abrasive Media


Engine parts used in many industries, such as tubing systems, mud pump parts and other large parts made of steel and alloys, need protection from aging and tear due to their serious damage to real processing conditions. Aging problems occur on the elbows, plumbing systems, centrifuges, and many other engineering structures used to transport, disassemble, disassemble various slippery, explosive particles. These particles can rust naturally and can damage the processing system. Loss due to damage to processing equipment due to aging and toxic media damage can cost up to a few million dollars in the industry.


This can be avoided by technological advances in the Ceramic Slurry Pump from Sujal Engineering. Our pumps are a complete solution for applications that involve the production of clay products. Pumps are more resistant to slippery and abrasive media compared to other pump designs.

Our pumps can be used to transmit spray drying silicates at low energy levels. Available single pumps and dual working models ensure high performance and increased performance at low operating and maintenance costs. Pumps can handle flow rates of up to 2257 m³ / hr, with an operating pressure of up to 1,035 kPa. The parts of the pump that meet the rough material for pumping are made of stainless steel or sharpened steel.


Thanks to successful testing in many industries with rough and damaging media, our mud pumps are the first optional product for critical process operations. Our pumps can be used as part of a complete system or as a stand-alone unit and can be customized according to the needs of each client.

Benefits of Ceramic Slurry Pump:

  •  Resistant to wet slip and abrasive media
  •  Low and easy maintenance
  •  Simple and robust mechanism
  •  Pumps and its components are lined with abrasion-resistant materials

Industries that handle large volumes of a slurry can utilize from this slurry pump. Some of the applicationsdesigned can be in:

  •  Mining industry
  •  Ceramic industry
  •  Oil and gas need to handle large volumes of slurry in the process
  •  Disposal of ash from fossil fuel power plants
  •  Fertilizer manufacturing
  •  Land reclamation
  •  Long-distance transportation of coal and minerals

Here’s Deal: 

Industrial pumps design by Sujal Engineering are the most trusted and highly-efficient pumps for any industries. If you are looking for any kind of Industrial Pumps then don’t forget to visit our website: www.sujalpumps.com 


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